Our Story
The Care Workers’ Charity, have been working hard to support care workers through times of crisis by supplying financial support, signposting to resources, and providing access to services. They are the only benevolent fund for paid care workers in the UK.
Care Workers are among the lowest paid workers in the UK and yet they do play such a vital role in our aging society. Our aim is to promote parity of esteem with health, campaign and raise awareness of social care and provide insight into the issues affecting care workers
Supporting care workers has a ripple effect within the social care sector and our society in general as without care workers, those who rely on care and their families would suffer and in turn our national health system would struggle further under the strain. The CWC grants have supported many care workers to stay in the sector when times get tough.
Since 2020 they have supported over 9000 care workers with over ÂŁ5 million of grants
Address: c/o Nexus Media Group, 63 Webber street, London, SE1 0QW
And can you change to over 9000 care workers
Website: thecareworkerscharity.org.uk
Twitter: @CareWorkersFund
LinkedIn: The Care Workers’​ Charity